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Jamstacked Issue 95

The State of Web Development

Published: Dec 14, 2023

Your Jamstack update

#​95 — December 14, 2023
✦ web version

Netlify just released their State of Web Development survey results, which surveyed almost 7,000 people, with about 80% of them being developers. A lot of the focus of the survey is on composable architectures, which fits with Netlify's recent push in this area, but there's a lot of interesting information in there around the impact of AI/ML and the tool choices of developers.

One item that seemed to catch Netlify by surprise is the sudden rise of Astro, which showed the highest growth in usage and satisfaction of any of the other frameworks. Netlify's survey data shows Next.js usage holding steady as the most widely use framework, but with a noticeable drop in satisfaction. On another note, Sanity remained the top headless CMS in the survey, with 81% of those who've used it wanting to use it more, registering the highest change in satisfaction score among CMS (though noticeably not in actual usage).

On a housekeeping note, this is the last JAMstacked of 2023. We've got some big changes to this newsletter to announce soon, but, until then, enjoy the holidays and thanks for being a subscriber.

Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's Good

The 2023 State of Web Development Report
The State of Web Development Report replaces the prior Jamstack community survey. This post reveals grades on last year’s predictions and predictions for 2024 based on the survey results. You can grab the full survey here (you’ll need to provide some contact details however).

Sterling Davis

Astro 4.0
Speaking of Astro, Astro 4, which only recently went beta, is out. Why the quick turnaround from Astro 3 to 4? There was a delay in releasing Vite 5, so rather than delay Astro 3, the team released it and now updated to Vite 5 with Astro 4 (thanks to Tyler at UI.dev for sharing these details), but it does include other notable improvements like the Astro Dev Toolbar. Astro also announced the launch of their community site and ecosystem fund.


TheJam.dev is Back for 2024
If you enjoy this newsletter, you'll love TheJam.dev. It's a free, two-day virtual conference happening on January 24-25th and covering the myriad of topics I cover here. Speakers already announced for 2024 include Cassidy Williams, Zach Leatherman, Salma Alam-Naylor, Erik Hanchett and Nevi Shah. You can register for free via Crowdcast.


✂︎ Tools, Resources & More...


Awesome Netlify Updates
Despite their focus on composable architectures, there have been a ton of notable updates to more developer-focused features in Netlify. Ray lays out his favorites.

Raymond Camden

Vercel Adds New Features Designed to Support Monorepos
Vercel released new features in its Developer Experience Platformdesigned to better support monorepos, including change approval.

Loraine Lawson

What Vue’s Creator Learned the Hard Way with Vue 3
Evan You shared some of the lessons he learned from the release and reception of Vue 3 around things like including a lot of small breaking changes, to choosing deprecation over breaking changes.

Loraine Lawson

Thanks for reading. — Brian