
Raymond Camden explores new tools, technologies, techniques and more in this live coding show.

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Previous Talk Shows


Let's Make a Progressive Web App (PWA)

In this session, Ray will cover what PWA is at a high level, what capabilities it offers, and build a simple example of one using a basic one page web page as an example.
  • Hosted by: Raymond Camden

Adding an API to Your Web App (Part 2)

In this session, Ray continues building an application that consumes data from an API, making it easily accessible to your client-side JavaScript code.
  • Hosted by: Raymond Camden

Adding an API to Your Web App

In this session, Ray walks through the steps needed to take an old XML based interface and make it easily accessible to your client-side JavaScript code.
  • Hosted by: Raymond Camden

Playing Games with Alpine.js

In this session, Ray introduces you (quickly) to Alpine.js, an incredibly light weight simple JavaScript framework that's quick to pick up.
  • Hosted by: Raymond Camden

Shall we play a game?

In this session, Ray will talk about the high level basics of building a web-based, text game. He'll talk about the easy parts, the hard parts, and why he has started way more games than he's actually finished.
  • Hosted by: Raymond Camden

A Developer's Essential Tools and Stack

Raymond Camden shares the essential tools and tech stack powering his development. Join us to explore the key elements that drive his coding workflow.